Problems with patterns and numbers
Shell Centre team:
Alan Bell, Barbara Binns, Hugh Burkhardt, Rosemary Fraser, John Gillespie,
David Pimm, Jim Ridgway, Malcolm Swan, Clare Trott,
co-ordinated by Jim Ridgway and Clare Trott, and directed by Hugh Burkhardt.
Joint Matriculation Board | 1984 | PDF (link direto) (link direto)
Problems with Patterns and Numbers has become an influential book on the teaching of problem solving. It focuses on non-routine problem solving in mathematics, and the teaching strategies needed to handle it in the classroom.
Many teachers find it difficult to know how to enable students to work independently on non-routine problems. This resource has been designed to help teachers introduce students to problem solving strategies and gradually, lesson-by-lesson, allow students more opportunities to apply these strategies to an ever-increasing range of problems.
Pedagogical issues
These materials focus particularly on the ‘scaffolding’ issue in problem solving: How might we remove some of the structure, so typical of textbooks, how can we support students without ‘taking over’ the problem. How can we assess problem solving? Analysing and representing problems by trying special cases, collecting data systematically, searching for patterns and making hypotheses, testing hypotheses on further examples, explaining and justifying results.